Test automation
Efficient testing is unimaginable without test automation!
Test automation (done right) makes it possible to test software systems with little effort. At the push of a button, the developer or the tester gets feedback on the quality and impact of the code just written.
In order not to land in the maintenance trap of test automation, it is important to prepare the architecture of the test system optimally for the test automation.
Our consultants provide the necessary know-how and help to avoid falling cords!
Request a first free consultation for testautomation now!
Our consultants provide the necessary know-how for test automation and help you avoid obstacles and falling knots:
- Test automation quick check
We will check your system environment and the test automation techniques and tools you are currently using. We will give you a qualified feedback, which "quick wins" we have determined based on the analysis and how you can implement them best. - Test automation strategy/concept and support with the implementation
Together with your teams, a concept for the optimal use of test automation in your company is developed. Afterwards, our experienced experts assist you in the implementation. - Review and analysis of automated tests and testframeworks
You are already automating, but are you uncertain if everything is right? Our experts will test your test automation in terms of suitability, quality and structure. They evaluate it on the basis of their many years of experience and give suggestions for improvement. - Workshop series automation in software development
In short impulses, we provide the necessary knowledge on the subject of test automation. In subsequent discussions you will work out how the measures presented can be used and what the next steps can be. - Individual coaching and workshops for test automation
We organise workshops on your topics and problems. We bring in our experience, give feedback and help you to find the best solution. Afterwards, we accompany and coach you in the implementation.
Quality starts in the mind
The Software Quality Lab Academy offers many high-quality seminars and training courses for more software quality.
We are mainly specialized in test automation. Not all tests are efficient to automate, but many systems can be automated better than one thinks in the first approach.
We take into account both the latest findings in the test automation methods as well as tools for automation.
- Development of a test automation strategy
- Analysis/design of testframeworks
- Development of tailor-made test automation environments and frameworks
- Test automation of a wide range of systems for software (SIL), embedded software, as well as embedded controllers and controllers for hardware & systems (HIL).
- Test data driven automation
- Operational implementation
- Testcenter services
- Automation of non-functional tests (load & performance, etc.)
- Analysis of test automation architectures
- Analysis of test automation code
The services are provided by experienced test managers and test engineers with sound development experience both in classical software as well as in the area of embedded software and hardware.
The employees speak German, work in Germany, Austria or Switzerland at our locations or at your location and the work is not outsourced to low-wage countries.
"Wir haben den Workshop als sehr inspirierend aufgenommen. Es ist natürlich mein Bestreben, so viel wie möglich in-house abzuwickeln. Allerdings sehe ich auch, dass die kompetente Einwirkung von außen absolut Sinn macht."
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