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Agile methods

Get faster and more flexible through agile procedures!

Profit from the knowledge and practical experience of the Software Quality Lab consultants from numerous agile projects. Increase efficiency, flexibility and quality in your development and test processes.

Test our competence in an agile workshop or quick-check of your agile organisation!

Contact us now for a free first consultation



Agile methods like SCRUM or KANBAN rethink many aspects of software development. They enable motivated teams to develop the optimal product for the customer in small steps. Requirements are successively made, implemented quickly and in high quality, tested and can be used immediately.

How do we see ourselves in the agile consultation:

  • Pragmatically: We are not dogmatic preachers, but well-founded practitioners.
  • Holistic: We do not just have expert knowledge in agile methods but also beyond.
  • Comprehensive: We help you with consulting, coaching, training, appropriate tools and, if necessary, operational support.


Our coaches help your agile teams to develop and independently find the right solutions for day to day problems:

  • Initial analysis to determine your "agile maturity"
    In a short analysis, we determine your agile maturity level by means of interviews and an environmental analysis on site. You will receive a benchmark where you currently are and also suggestions for further improvement of your agile procedures and organisation.
  • Introduction of Agile Methods
    We support you in selecting and adapting the right agile method, setting up your teams and training. In the transition phase, we coach your teams in their daily work and help to solve problems independently.
  • Coaching on the job of scrum master, product owner and team
    Our experts accompany your agile teams in their daily work. They help to uncover difficulties, find solutions and implement them. They give feedback and tips on how other teams have solved similar problems.
  • Develop an agile test and QS concept
    Even in agile projects, the team must set the base for the test so that a potentially shippable product can be created in every sprint.
    Together with the teams we develop a lean test concept.
  • Individual workshops and coaching to improve your agile competence
    We organise workshops on your topics and problems.
    We bring in our experience, give feedback and help you to find the best solution. Afterwards, we accompany and coach you in the implementation.

Your benefits

  • The optimisation potential of your agile processes is identified.
  • Reasonable application possibilities of agile techniques and methods are defined.
  • You receive support in the implementation and application of agile procedures.
  • In the implementation phase you are coached and supported by agile employees.
  • You improve on quality, efficiency and effectiveness in agile processes.


    Contact us!

    Johannes Bergsmann


    Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter

    Ansprechpartner für Kundenanfragen und Partnerschaften
     +43 676 840072 420

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