Management & processes
Master management challenges and optimize your development processes!
Benefit from the knowledge and practical experience of the Software Quality Lab Consultants from numerous analyses, consultations and coaching and increase efficiency and quality in software development. We will show you where you currently stand in comparison to other software development organizations and what weak points and potential for optimization you have with a potential analysis.
Mehr Details zur Potentialanalyse
- Our consultants assist you in optimizing your development process. We analyze your current challenges and propose suitable measures for optimization and, if you wish, accompany you during the implementation and implementation.
- Good, professional process documentation helps in sharing knowledge, training new employees, and improving your processes. We help you structure the process documentation in a structured and sustainable way and coach your employees to continue this documentation themselves.
Compliance and liability avoidance
As a manager you are confronted with various compliance requirements, norms, standards and so on that have to be observed. In your responsibility as a manager, you have to ensure that these rules and the state of technology are followed. Failure to do so may result in a lawsuit on the part of the owner, customer or other plaintiff because of your negligence.
Oftentimes it is not easy to find balance between compliance with the regulations and between an efficient and attractive development organization for the employees.
We help you to find the right path!
- With compliance checks and analyses regarding the state of technology, we show you gaps that you should close to avoid negligence.
- We suggest appropriate and pragmatic measures to fill the gaps.
- We help you to implement the measures aand monitor this process.
- We test the implementation of the measures to be effective.
- With regular further checks, we ensure that the reached level is maintained.
Quality management (QM) can be described as the organisational measures that serve to improve the process quality, the services and products of the organisation. The aim here is not to make quality at any price, but to find a quality level that is appropriate to the organisation and that meets the requirements of the stakeholders. We help you to set up and organize the QM appropriately in order to enable efficient and effective organisational development. Often, the QM is not explicitly defined or just an unwelcome appendix in the organization. In this case we create awareness in the organisation how QM should be positioned and structured in order to achieve the greatest possible benefit for the organisation. Ideally, quality does not cost anything! The errors, which arise without QM, cost something.
"Risk management is project management for adults," says Tom DeMarco. The same also applies to the organisation level. Organisations that never carry out risk analyzes or carry them out half-heartedly and orient their actions on them often do not operate, but react when it is already too late. With you, we define a suitable risk management strategy and give you concrete simple methods to implement risk management efficiently.
We are your coaching partner who knows the challenges of system and software development. You will receive feedback on your ideas, strategies and solutions and we will develop them with you. We are at your disposal as a discussion and sparring partner for all questions. We organize workshops and coaching appointments with you personally or together with the team, depending on your topics and problems. We bring in our experience, give feedback and help you to find the best solution. Afterwards, we accompany and coach you on your request also with the process of implementation.
„Ein Plan ist wertlos, wenn man nicht weiß, wo man gerade steht.“, sagte schon Konfuzius. Bevor es ans Verbessern der Organisation geht, sollte man daher bestimmen, wo man steht. Durch unseren breiten Kundenkreis im Bereich der System- und Software-Entwicklung können wir hier auch einen Vergleich mit anderen ähnlich strukturierten Organisationen erstellen. Sie erhalten eine Bewertung, wo Ihre Organisation im Vergleich zu anderen steht, wo Sie besser sind und wo es Nachholbedarf gibt. Wir empfehlen Ihnen auch eine Reihe von Maßnahmen, die aus unserer Sicht sinnvoll sind und helfen beim Erstellen einer passenden Roadmap für die Umsetzung.
Quality starts in the mind
The Software Quality Lab Academy offers many high-quality seminars and training courses for more software quality.

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