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Support provided by testers

Test Support & External Test Team

Independent testers for your projects

Software Quality Lab has appropriately qualified test experts to support tests and test automations who will be happy to assist organisations with help and advice in their projects and product developments. Depending on size, required quality level and duration of the project, this test team comprises the necessary resources, skills and experience in the mix individually determined for you.

  • Test manager / senior tester / test designerDesigner 
  • Professional tester / test automater
  • Software tester (including embedded software)
  • Hardware tester

The testers at Software Quality Lab are highly qualified. They have all completed Certified Tester trainings (in compliance with the international ISTQB® standard) of various levels and have work experience in manual testing, test automation, test specification and test management. This knowledge and experience is carried into and passed on to the customer organisations by the testers. The goal is to support organisations in a long-term partnership, and also to ensure the necessary preservation of know-how.

Ideally, the services are provided by small and effective test teams (2-5 members depending on the task). A team usually consists of one senior tester/test manager and one to four testers or professional testers. This has proved its worth in the interest of know-how preservation and reciprocal creative “fertilisation” in these small teams, and it gives the people responsible for the project the security that the services can be continued to their satisfaction without interruption even if a member drops out.

This so-called ‘external test team’ is typically productive in your organisation after only a short introduction phase. In every project this offers the advantage of a high level of professionalism, efficiency and effectiveness, as well as a certain degree of distance and a neutral eye for the test object and the project results or products. For our customers this leads to increased quality at a high level.

An external test team is easy to scale up. It can start with part-time testers for very small projects and go as far as an individually appointed group consisting of test managers, test controllers, test designers, test automaters and manual testers who can also handle large and complex testing tasks.

Software Quality Lab supports you methodically and with practical experience

    • Development of test strategy and test concept
    • Test management & test controlling
    • Test specification & test planning
    • Manual test performance & test automation
    • Test automation concept
    • Conception and development of individual test automation frameworks
    • Standard and business software, embedded software, hardware & systems
    • Agile testing in the Scrum team or with Kanban
    • Testing of safety-critical systems (IEC 61508, SIL2/SIL3, etc.)
    • Non-functional tests (load & performance tests, usability test, etc.)
    • Security and penetration tests (black box and white box)
    • Code review and secure code analyses

    The services are provided by experienced and qualified test managers and test engineers with a solid engineering experience both in classical software and in the area of embedded software and hardware.